Slavery and Human Trafficking

Key Engineering & Hygiene Supplies Ltd Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement


Key Engineering & Hygiene Supplies Ltd is committed to operating in an ethical and fully compliant manner. This statement reflects our commitment to ensuring that we and the businesses we trade with are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This statement is published on our main website and represents our approach to compliance for all our business interests. This statement gives a broad overview of our commitment to deliver a supply chain compliant with the legislation. It also evidences our commitment to prevent human rights abuses within our wider business network, including all the businesses with whom we work.

Structure, Business and Supply Chain

As a company, we operate primarily in the UK, but do have a limited range of products that are imported from oversees.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Policies

It is the aim of our business to be compliant with the 2015 Slavery and Human Trafficking Act. We are confident that our directly owned UK business is free from practices covered by the Act. We are aware that risks may exist within any business and its wider supply chain and are taking the following steps to ensure that the organisations we interact with are compliant with the Act: - We ask suppliers to submit their public domain Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement to us as part of our supplier onboarding process. - We have requested Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statements from all relevant suppliers and will investigate any specific indications of risk. - We ask all staff to “Whistle-blow”on any risks they may identify within the course of their work in relation to this issue. - All procurement staff are fully aware of the requirements of the act and how to comply with the legislation.

Supply Chain

As part of our commitment to full compliance with the 2015 Slavery and Human Trafficking Act we have asked or Supply Chain to undertake the following actions: - To complete the companies online Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking questionnaire confirming they are compliant with the Act, or are working towards being compliant, along with an expected completion date. - Attach an electronic copy of their Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement to the response. - Work with the Group to mitigate specific areas of risk and confirm a date that any remedial actions will be completed. All potential suppliers will be required to complete the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking questionnaire before being considered as a member of the supply chain.

Due Diligence The company will maintain a central register of supplier responses at its Preston office. The register will include any identified risks and remedial actions being undertaken and detail an expected resolution date. The Purchasing Manager is responsible for the register and any supplier communication regarding these matters.